I was fortunate enough to have seen Oprah Winfrey recently in Vancouver. She asks her audience a question that still resonates within. “Who are you?” Now this is not a question about your name, or what you do for a living, but rather an invitation to really know you.

So I ponder this for a bit, taking my inventory. I check off my favorite color or foods. Nope its not that. My kids? Nope. I love them dearly but that’s not who I am either. Hmnnn.

What was I brought here for? My purpose? My calling? And what about suffering? God knows I’ve done my share. One thing has followed me throughout my entire life. Addiction. Everywhere I go, there it is.

Is this my purpose? Then who am I?

OK, I’m getting closer.

What inspires me?

Courage. Raw and shaking in its boots, going forward regardless.

Definitely closer.

Truth, vulnerability, willingness, gratitude.

OK, I’m on a roll now.

But there is something missing. The one thing that makes life worthwhile. Precious. It gives us the energy needed to keep going. It is flame to candle.


OH. Now I know. OK, I got it……

Who am I?

Keeper of the flame.

Who are you?

(c) 2014 Jagged Little Edges All Rights Reserved


  1. Kayla

    Never looked at it that way sure has me thinking! Thank you!

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