Friend   Or Foe?

For some of us Christmas is a time of celebration. A time to count our blessings.  A time to give. For others, Christmas is just an excuse for one big party. A time to celebrate by consuming as much Christmas cheer as we can get into our systems.

Whatever category you might be in, chances are you know someone suffering from the disease of addiction. Why, you might ask, would we define addiction as a disease? Here are the following definitions for the term disease.


  1. A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a…
  2. A particular quality, habit, or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people.
illness – malady – sickness – ailment – complaint

As you can see, the term disease is an apt fit. An illness of the physical body. A malady of the soul. A sickness of the mind. An ailment of never ending thirst. A complaint of woe is me and self pity. And family members suffer from their own form of dis – ease as well. They learn to walk on egg shells and live in fear. As a matter of fact, addiction is the sneakiest disease of all. For it is the only one that tells you – you don’t have it. In spite of all the mounting evidence. In spite of the consequences. It whispers words of deceit and denial. It will change your behavior and out look. It will take your self respect. Your friends and family. Your job. Your life. It not only infects its host, it infects their family too. Addiction……

It’s more powerful than love.

And it’s completely treatable. But some will never ask for help. Instead they continue to blame others and make excuses for the way their lives turned out. Strangely, their families often make excuses too.

One in ten are effected by this disease. Personally, I think the number is higher. Which number are you?

(c) 2014 Jagged Little Edges All Rights Reserved


  1. Thanks Amber. The truth is are we are all awesome. We all have certain gifts and strengths that make each and everyone of us unique individuals. When you have learned to medicate your pain it becomes habitual. It’s a quick and easy fix and it works. At least at first. The problem is when you start using you stunt your emotional growth. So although you may look grown up, emotionally you still feel like a little kid inside and often deny or run from your troubles. Either that or blame somebody else. This illness is progressive and terminal. It’s also the only one that tells you-you don’t have it. It’s easy to see why some never recover from it. I’m so proud of you for taking your own experience and using it to become stronger. To learn from it and change the things you can. So a little holler back…..Amber your awesome!

  2. lstockton2012

    ADDICTION is definately treatable. Every day I am fortunate enough to see people fighting this battle. Some make it, some don`t. It`s even sadder when someone doesn`t think they deserve a better life than the shithole they are living in.

    • I think its even bigger than not believing they deserve better. Most simply can not stop. That really is what defines addiction. Heavy users can acknowledge the problem and quit. Addicts can acknowledge the problem too, but they can’t quit and eventually they realize it and stop trying. Then it gets dangerous.

      • Amber

        You are right. I do not think it is a matter of not thinking they deserve a life free from addiction rather scared of all the challenges and issues they will have to endure to lead a clean and sober life for the rest of their life. It is just easier to mask all the pain and hurt with another hit, so they think! Little do they know life a gift love and family are the most beautiful and rewarding things in life.
        You are amazing Lorelie <3

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