I know you promised not again

But here I am, and ready when

You feel tired, your head gets loud

Sun-filled skies roll in grey clouds

Life starts to lose its shine

Precious family fades to whine

Bit by bit it disappears

The angers back, so are  tears

You decide you’ve had enough

Your life is hard, boring, rough.

The old familiar tug of war begins

You are doomed, you never win

Apathy settles, stealing your soul 

Your heart shrivels growing cold

The hungers on,and getting bold

Need precedes everything ….

Your wife, your kids, your wedding ring

Your past is forgotten, your future untold

After this one night, you may never grow old.

Your Lord and Master have called for you

For them there’s nothing, you won’t do

There’s only one who can stop it all

His name is God, please make the call

His fix is nothing you’ve ever tried

It’s not based in hurt, shame and lies.

He’ll set you free, and clean your thoughts

And rid you of old, negative rot.

You’ll become more than you ever knew

Reborn, re-birthed and hopeful too.

Words of wisdom shouted from trees

Tears of joy bring you to your knees

Sixteen years of living has passed

Never dreamed this big, or dared to ask.

But something always believed in me

 Together in circles, we call it WE

A miracle arrives, it changes you

Two lives in one body, who ever knew?

And one day in the mirror, you will see

That all of this – was meant to be.


By Lorelie Rozzano

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