Did you know it takes as much effort to be happy, as it does to be miserable.

Good Morning.
Thought for the day.
We choose our clothes, our food, our home, our furniture.
We choose our friends, our TV shows and the cars we drive.
We choose the Christmas presents we so lovingly wrap and place under the tree.
We choose the music we listen too.
We choose when to get up, and when to go to bed.
We choose our vacations.
We choose our pets.
We choose when to go out, and when to stay home.
We choose to whether to answer the phone, or the door.
It seems to me when it comes to choice, the sky really is the limit.
So why not choose to start your day with gratitude?
This choice alone will make a huge difference in your life.
When we choose gratitude, we’re choosing to acknowledge and appreciate all the blessings so richly abundant in our lives.
Without gratitude we take our lives and each other, for granted.
Are you tired of sleepwalking? Wake up!
And have a great day!

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