There are times I wonder….. Who am I? I’m aware of being a woman and a daughter, a sister and a niece, a wife and a mother, and unbelievably (at least to me because in my minds eye I’m forever young) a grandmother. I work in the field of addictions, I’m an author, a recovering alcoholic and an addict.

But the question still remains.

Who am I?

I’m more than my age and weight, or what I do. I’m more than the things I have, or the places I go.

There’s something very knowing that dwells within me. At times I’m frustrated by it’s presence. I get the feeling it carries all the answers I seek. This knowing is miserly with it’s wisdom, doling it out in little crumbs, along the pathway of life. But you have to be forever vigilant, or you may walk right past a crumb without even noticing it was there.

This knowing speaks without words and has no voice, and yet I hear its message clearly. It says things like, ‘Your time here is short. Live while you’re alive. Every single second is precious, drink it all in.’

There’s a sense something mystical awaits just beyond my grasp. A profound, elusive understanding.

So who am I?

Some would say I’m a spiritual being having a human experience.


But for the most part the human side far outweighs anything spiritual. However, the tables are turning and perhaps, this was part of the plan.

I spent most of my life trying not to be me. I wanted to be the girl in the magazine, or the popular girl in school, or the celebrity, or the rock star. I looked longingly at others imaging somehow, if I could just make them like me, they’d hold the missing pieces I was so desperately seeking.

But they didn’t have my pieces. I did. I just didn’t know it yet.

As I type these words I sense this presence and I long to unleash it. But then it whispers patience, in a voice that has no words.

As the word patience settles deep within my soul, I believe I get a glimpse. It’s dark and fleeting, but there none the less.

Patience, what a profound message.

For isn’t this what we spend our whole lives trying to achieve?

Patience. Much of our life is spent waiting. Waiting to be born. Waiting, to grow up. Waiting to go to school. Waiting to come home. Waiting to be noticed. Waiting to graduate. Waiting to get married. Waiting to have children. Waiting to go on holidays. Waiting to retire. Waiting to die.

Maybe patience isn’t really about waiting. Maybe it’s about living, or maybe it’s as simple and complex as enjoying this very moment.

Ahhh…. I think I might know the answer to this riddle.

So who am I?

I’m a spiritual being, having a human experience. One who calls herself a mother, a daughter, a sister and niece, a grand mother and wife. I’m an author, a counselor, a recovering alcoholic and addict.

I am the unique creation of something far greater than the biology of my parents.

I am the spirit of love, clothed in human flesh, making earthly mistakes, guided by divine intervention.

I am a the child of God, living on borrowed time, in a time of grace, sculpting a story titled Lorelie.

But mostly, who I really am, is one incredibly lucky lady, who has been blessed to live two lives, in one body.

Now it’s your turn.

Who are you?

(c) 2014 Jagged Little Edges All Rights Reserved


  1. Belated to this post, but enjoyed it nonetheless. This topic of “who am I?” has been rolling around in my head the past few days (years really). I like where you went with this. I’m just me, here, now, at this moment. Who am I being? Who am I loving?

    Exactly what I needed to read today. And I know I needed it today because I read it today.

    • It’s been awhile since I posted this and you responded Lisa. As the years pass, new and exciting layers are added to the mystery, of me. Strange, but in order to add the new layers, the old ones had to come off. So I’m curious. Have you come up with yours? Who is Lisa? 🙂

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