Fear or Faith? Your choice.

We all know that suffocating FEAR we feel when our loved one is an addict. It’s a heavy, exhausting blanket of of what if’s and brain noise. The more attention we pay it, the bigger it grows. So how do we minimize our fear? Truthfully, you don’t. Not until you have something else to put in its place. That something else, is faith. You may not have power over what the addict does, but you have all sorts of power over your thoughts. Pay attention to your thinking. Is it racy? Does it jump from one scenario to the next, creating crisis? Does it leave you hopeless and miserable? The next time you feel anxious, stop. Gaze out a window. Stare at a tree. Look at the vast blue sky above. Marvel at the orange and red colours of autumn. Notice the beauty that is all around you. Breathe. Take a big breath. Blow out fear. Breathe in faith. And repeat. <3

leapf faith

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