
Don’t tell me I can`t

I can

Don`t tell me it`s a bad idea

It`s not

Don`t tell me it won`t work

It will

Don`t put your fears and worries on me

I don`t want them

If you choose to live life in a box – of societies making

I won`t

Don`t tell me no one cares

They do

Don`t tell me I`m to old

I`m not

Don`t crush my dreams – with your long lost spontaneity

Don`t turn away from me

Don`t ignore me

My re-birth relies on newly constructed messages.

Don`t be the louder voice. Grow quiet and observe.

I know you, I see you

And you can`t hide

I lived under your guidance for far too long.

Now it`s my turn.

Watch and see.

Face to the sky, wings spread wide, I soar, on the eternal prevailing wind of hope.


By Lorelie Rozzano.



(c) 2014 Jagged Little Edges All Rights Reserved

1 comment

  1. Thank you, Lorelie, for liking my poem! I am so glad to find your blog. Very touching, very personal and wonderful. I will read more & I downloaded & read “Gracie’s Secret” – wonderful! It should be required reading in schools everywhere. Much love to you and yes, keep riding those winds of hope!

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